Blue Cross Winter Warm Up Testimonies
Hear from 2025 participants on how the program impacted their lives.
Serving the community is at the core of Playmakers through the Playmakers Foundation, a nonprofit organization committed to improving the health of the mid-Michigan community. Our mission is to service our community by providing opportunities for people to move more and educational programs that train people to move better.
One of these programs includes the Blue Cross Winter Warm Up, an eight-week training program that culminates with a free 5K. Through twice weekly in-person sessions with certified Good Form Running and Walking coaches from Playmakers, alongside communications with training and nutrition tips, the goal of the program is to build a community connected through being active together.
Last spring, we heard from Theresa Ellsworth about her experience with the Blue Cross Winter Warm Up program. This year, we heard the testimonies of two 2025 participants on how the program impacted their lives.
“I have been blessed to be able to train for the Blue Cross Winter Warm Up with a great bunch of people at Meridian Mall. This has truly been a miracle in my life. I've had many many surgeries and procedures since the summer of 2022. Last spring and summer, I hit rock bottom. I had no physical strength. I was sedentary most of my adult life due to health issues but I had never been so weak. I had a difficult time even holding my head up straight and I was very scared.
My church family was by my side throughout my journey. Their love and support motivated and inspired me. Last fall, Juli, a dear friend from church, told me about Playmakers having a 5K every year in the spring. She told me about Playmakers helping train people to walk a 5K. It became my goal to walk that 5K. I started physical therapy at home and had a wonderful occupational therapist. My first goal was to get up from my chair safely on my own. At first, I felt like I had done a 5K just getting out of the chair and walking partway down the hall.
Around the end of October last year, I was walking around my apartment complex. Unfortunately, I ended up injuring my foot and ankle. Juli took me to Playmakers for the first time on December 18, 2024. I saw a doctor there at the injury clinic who set me up with shoe inserts for stability and cushioning. On the same evening, I was fitted with walking shoes by a very pleasant and patient Playmaker associate. That December, I walked 1.51 miles in 01:38:07. I wasn't breaking any records for walking fast, but I was so happy to be able to walk!
I was excited to participate in the Blue Cross Winter Warm Up because I wanted to walk. But the training has been more than that. I have met so many wonderful people training for this 5K. Every person had a story and why the 5K was important to them. I recently started outpatient physical therapy to strengthen my lower extremities. I am hoping to shed the walker I've needed this past year. I walked a mile before church this morning. It is no record breaker, but thanks to God, my church, and Playmakers it is a miracle. Who knows, maybe next year I will run the 5K!”
“I’m proud to say this is my first ever 5K! Never in my wildest dreams did I think I’d complete a 5K. I started a weight loss journey in May of 2024 and realized walking is my preferred exercise. My friend told me about the Blue Cross Winter Warm Up and I nervously signed up. I wasn’t expecting much but knew I could keep walking without freezing my tail off through the winter months as my practice location was indoors. I’m happy to say that I’ve lost close to 70lbs and having a warm facility to practice in has been wonderful! I’m thankful my friend told me about the 5K and I plan to sign up next year!”